Exclusive interview with 'Are You Afraid of the Dark' tribute co-director Nathaniel Ingram
Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, co-director Nathaniel Ingram sat around the campfire to answer some of Horror Fan Film's burning questions about their 'Afraid Of the Dark' tribute fan film.

The tribute has The Midnight Society return for a new tale of terror. It follows a young boy, Christopher, as he stays for a weekend at his grandpa Jasper’s house. What he doesn’t know is his grandfather has more than one guest for the weekend.
"Man... There's always been a part of me that's wanted to pay a tribute to the series" says Ingram on choosing to pay tribute to the series almost 17 years after it went off the air. "I've seen the fan made intros and whatnot, but I've never came across something that is pure nostalgia. Figured, why the hell not? Not to mention that the original series did inspire me. D.J. Machale (creator of 'Are You Afraid of the Dark') is great at what he does, that's for sure"
Ingram assures fans of the original series that even though this is a new ghastly campfire tale, there will be plenty of nods to the original series. "It wouldn't be a proper tribute without throwing some gems in the story. The fans will definitely be pleased with that factor."

The tribute fan film is among the new wave of fan films that are turning to genre fans to help bring their passions to fruition via crowdfunding sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter. Ingram explains, "Dark Hill Films and Illusionist Studios knows how hard it can be to make a film with little to no budget. No above heads (Producers, Directors, Etc.) will be taking any pay until we've paid the rest off. It shows our appreciation and respect".
Of course there is more on the horizon for Ingram and crew past the tribute film, "Right now we are beginning pre-production on a short romance/drama film that I wrote with Hannah Skaggs. It is titled "Till Death". It revolves around a couple that is moving away from their hometown. That's honestly all I am allowed to say about it currently. That will be shot this coming December. After that we start on a feature length horror film. Very extreme... Very violent... Not allowed to talk about that one yet, unfortunately."

The tribute fan film is set to premiere on Halloween, just like the original series did all those years ago in 1990. You can still help contribute to the fanfilm campaign on Indiegogo by clicking here