Chris R. Notarile launches 'Mystery Inc: The Legend of Jason Voorhees' gonfundme
CHris R. Notarile is launching a gofundme campaign for his project 'Mystery Inc. - The Legend of Jason Vorhees' which is set to be a...

Wet Paint Pictures launches Indiegogo campaign for post production on 'VORHEES'
Wet paint pictures is seeking $15,000 in order to fully process all elements of post production. This includes film editing, adding music...

Womp Stomp Film's Friday the the 13th 'Never Hike Alone in the Snow' successfully funded
With a week still to go on their popular IndieGoGo campaign Womp Stomp Films has successfully funded their Friday the 13th fan film...

Allrise Films launches 'Camp Forest Green' Indiegogo Campaign
Allrise Films welcomes you to donate to the official Indiegogo campaign of their Friday the 13th fan film 'CAMP FOREST GREEN'. Camp...

New Films added to archives
New fan films added to HALLOWEEN, FRIDAY THE 13th and SCREAM sections. Also link corrected in ALIEN section. #update #fanfilms...

HorrorFanFilms.com is coming to YouTube!
That's right boys and ghouls, the infection is spreading! We are working on bringing you reviews on horror fan films, video games,...

REVIEW // 'Camp Death 3 in 2D' is stupid fun
Let’s be clear right off the bat, 'Camp Death 3 in 2D' is stupid. The Canadian produced Friday the 13th parody lives up to the poster’s...

EDITORIAL // 3 Great 'Friday the 13th' Fan Films you might have missed
Ah, what can I say about Friday the 13th? There are those who believe this franchise is so gravely in need of a cosy pair of slippers and...

REVIEW // Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle
Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle is a puzzle styled game in which you control the legendary Jason Voorhees and you’re sent on a mission to...

'Vorhees' fan film trailer released
They committed the perfect crime. They planned for every possibility. But they never planned for him… After pulling off the perfect heist...